Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wings by Jill

Terrific story by Jill. My favorite line is when she says something has happened zero times and then she says, Look at the big lonely 0, all alone. Clever writing, there!

by Jill Zerkowski

As Alyssa and I just finished our best prank of all time, we needed to decide when and what elevator…

Hi, my name is Megan Peter, the all-time trouble maker of Brookside’s history.  I’ve pulled 632 pranks at my time at Brookside, 6 years of evil mean hurtful pranks; some of which I regretted a lot!

I could have done them without my best friend of all time Alyssa Anderson, I would have done 0. I say 0. Look at the big lonely 0, all alone.     

Chapter 2
Abigail’s meanest prank

This is why we hate Abigail Peterson.  And this is how my best prank was created…   You know how my name is Megan Peter? Everyone makes fun of me because I have two first names.  Alyssa hates it more than me when anyone teases me when she is around. She says, “If you say that again, the fist will visit you soon.” Then she walks away.  People never mess with her. 

Okay, so when our nemesis, Abigail Peterson -  I hate she almost has the same last name
as I do and then she thinks her last name is so awesome even thou they are almost identical!!  –So Abigail said it but then ran off and the principal was there!
Chapter 4
The Plot

This is why Alyssa wanted to do this one. Don’t ask me why but after she does something wrong, she wants to hurt the same person. Precisely, at 2:30, this prank will be pulled.  Alyssa and I were put in different classes this year, so at 2:36, we both said, “Ah, I think I might puke and bent down.”

As expected the teacher will came running over and said go down to the nurse now. Our plan worked perfectly and we met in the hall for a consult and to go down to the elevator.
Our plan worked almost perfectly.
Chapter 5

I was hoping to get from the spacey secretary, but as I found out, she is not spacey. Actually, she is the complete opposite as spacey. When I tried to steal the key, she said, “I knew you were planning a prank with that Alyssa Anderson!”

Then she said that she should have suspended us the last time we pranked someone.

“So tell me the truth. Were you planning a prank?? I will find out the real answer!”  While that was happening, guess what Alyssa said she needed to finish up a test!  So much for being best friends, she was the creator of this prank and if I got in trouble for it, oh I would be mad!

“The truth please!" Mrs. Hagg hollered. 

I ran and as soon as I did the principal saw me!

Ding! It was the sound of when the key hits the emergency stop, and traps whoever is in there down there! The plan sort of worked; at least he was in there.